Zimbabwe: Holding of the 7th General Assembly of the CJCA

The Conference of African Constitutional Courts (CJCA), will hold its 7th Congress from October 30 to November 2, 2024 in Victoria-Falls (Republic of Zimbabwe), at the kind invitation of the Honorable Mr Lucke MALABA, Chief Justice and President of the Supreme and Constitutional Court of Zimbabwe.
The Conference will bring together forty (40) African Constitutional Courts and Councils and Supreme Courts that are members of the CCJA, the Supreme and Constitutional Courts of Iraq, Russia and Turkey in their capacity as Observer Members of the CCJA, the Constitutional Court of Austria as a special guest, the African Union, the African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights, the UNDP, the World Conference on Constitutional Justice, the Commission for Democracy through Law of the Council of Europe, as well as regional groups working in the field of Constitutional Justice, namely: the Union of Arab Constitutional Courts, the Asian Association of Constitutional Courts, the Conference of European Constitutional Courts, and the Forum of Chief Justices of Southern Africa, in addition to civil society organizations, such as the International Association of Constitutional Law and the World Association of Jurists, making a total of more than One Hundred and Fifty (150) participants. The theme of the Congress is: "Human dignity as a value and founding principle: A source of constitutional interpretation, protection and application of fundamental human rights"
During its 7th General Assembly, the Congress will have the following tasks:

-to adopt the activity and financial reports;
-to decide on new membership applications;
-to adopt the activity program and the provisional budget for 2024-2026
-to elect a new Executive Board.
-to announce and award the prizes to the winners of the "CJCA Thesis Prize"
-to choose the country that will host the 8th General Assembly in 2026.