Press release Relating to the announcement of the winners of the "CJCA Thesis Prize" 2024 competition

Following the conclusions of the "Reading and Evaluation Committee" composed of eminent professors of constitutional law and responsible for selecting the best doctoral thesis, the Permanent General Secretariat of the Conference of the Constitutional Jurisdictions of Africa (CJCA), declares that, in its first edition, the winners of the competition prize are respectively:

1- Mrs. Dr. Zohra Kilali, for her thesis "The structural role of the constitutional judge", from Algeria.

2-Mr Dr Ndjodi Ndeunyema, for his thesis " The Human Right to Water under the Namibian Constitution " from Namibia.

3- Mr. D. Cheikh Mbaki Ndiaye, for his thesis "Judicial Protection of the Constitutional Order in Senegal " of Senegal.

4- Mr. Dr. Mohamed Wabous, for his thesis "Jurisprudence of the Moroccan Constitutional Council", from Morocco.

A total of 23 applications were received from Algeria, Morocco, Cameroon, Senegal, Namibia and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

As a reminder, a financial endowment of around ten thousand (10.000) euros has been allocated to this prize, which will be distributed equally to the winners.

An award ceremony will be organized in November 2024.

It should be noted that the 2nd edition of the "CJCA Thesis Prize" competition will be launched in 2025.

Done in Algiers, October 1st , 2024.