Benin: Swearing in of new judges of the Constitutional Court

The new members of the 7th mandate of the Constitutional Court of Benin, were sworn in, before the President of the Republic Patrice Talon, this Tuesday, June 06, 2023.
The new members, including two women, are Prof. Dorothé Cossi SOSSA, Aleyya GOUDA, Vincent Codjo ACAKPO (appointed by the Head of State), Nicolas ASSOGBA, Michel ADJAKA, Mathieu ADJOVI and Prof. Dandi GNAMOU (appointed by the President of Assembly)
Mr SOSSA was elected new President of the Court, replacing Razak YOUSSOUFA and Mr Nicolas ASSOGBA, Vice President.
The new president is a lawyer, agrégé in private law, and a graduate of the universities of Abomey-Calavi, Laval and Ottawa.
Former Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research (2001-2003), former Keeper of the Seals2, Minister of Justice, Legislation and Human Rights (2003-2006) of the Republic of Benin, former Dean of the Faculty of Law and Political Science at the University of Abomey-Calavi (2006-2010).
The CC of Benin is a founding member of the CJCA, since its creation in Algiers in 2011.