Holding of the 13th session of the Executive Board in Luanda
In accordance with the Statute, the 13th session of the Executive Bureau of the CJCA was held online from Luanda, Angola on July 8, 2021 under the chairmanship of the Venerable Judge-President of the Constitutional Tribunal of Angola, current President of the CJCA.
The members of the Bureau examined and adopted the balance sheet of activities for 2020, the program of activities for 2021 and proceeded to the closing of the budgetary year of 2020 and the adoption of the provisional budget for 2021.
The President of the Constitutional Court of Morocco informed the Bureau about the preparations for the 6th Congress of the CJCA to be held from 12 to 14 September 2022 in Rabat; while the President of the Constitutional Council of Mozambique informed the Bureau about the
Constitutional Council of Mozambique made a presentation on the 3rd International Symposium to be held on October 14 and 15, 2021 in Maputo;
The Constitutional Court of Angola is the President of the CJCA, since June 2019