The Constitutional Court of the R D Congo has a new President

Professor Dieudonné Kaluba Dibwa was elected president of the Constitutional Court of the Democratic Republic of Congo on April 20. He becomes ex officio president of the Superior Council of the Magistracy (CSM).

A highly strategic court in the DRC in political and electoral terms, it has been operating for nearly 10 months with an interim president, Presiding Judge Benoit Lwamba having resigned.

He made his mark in public opinion in 2020 during the so-called 100-day trial involving Vital Kamerhe, former chief of staff of the Head of State. He defended the Republic, with Me Coco Kayudi.

He was appointed in July 2020 as a judge of the Constitutional Court with three other judges.

Dieudonné KALUBA DIBWA, born in Mbuji-Mayi (DRCongo) on February 4, 1966 is a Doctor of Public Law and Professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Kinshasa. He is also a lawyer at the Court of Appeal of Kinshasa/Gombe and acts as counsel before the International Criminal Court. He is the author of several scientific publications on public and private law, the most important of which is: "La justice constitutionnelle en République démocratique du Congo".

It should be recalled that the Constitutional Court of the DRC is a founding member of the CJCA since May 2011.