At the initiative of Algeria, the African Union had adopted at the fifteenth ordinary session of the Conference of Heads of State and Government held from 25 to 27 July 2010 inKampala, Uganda, the decision to create an African area of constitutional justice.
The creation of this space responds to the imperative of federating the courts in charge of the review of constitutionality, having adopted African mechanisms of constitutional justice, in a continental space that allows them to participate in the field that is theirs, in the promotion and dissemination of universal values and principles of the rule of law, of democracy and human rights, enshrined in the preamble to the Constitutive Act of the African Union.
A preparatory meeting bringing together the Presidents of the constitutional justice courts in Africa, was held on the sidelines of the work of the Second World Conference of Constitutional Justice held in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), on January 16, 2011, had instructed Algeria to lead the process of creation of this space, until its completion.
Constitutive Congress
The Presidents and representatives of the Supreme Courts, Tribunals, Courts, and Constitutional Councils of Africa held on 7 and 8 May 2011 at the headquarters of the Constitutional Council of Algeria the Constitutive Congress of the African Area of Constitutional Justice which they baptized "Conference of African Constitutional Jurisdictions - CJCA".
Fifty-two participants (52) representing twenty-five (25) African constitutional jurisdictions took part in this Congress, enhanced by the presence of the Chairperson of the African Union Commission, and the Chairperson of the European Commission for Democracy through Law, better known as the "Venice Commission".
During the Congress, the participants examined and adopted the Constitutive Act of the Conference of African Constitutional Jurisdictions (CJCA) and proceeded to the election of the first Executive Bureau and theGeneral Secretariat.
Head quarters
The head quarters of the CJCA are located in Algiers.
The seat of the Conference houses the General Secretariat and the administration of the Conference.
The host country shall make available to the Conference the human, material, and financial resources necessary to ensure its proper functioning.