The Congress
The Congrès is the supreme bodyof the Conference. It is composed of all themember juridic tions. It meets in ordinary session once every two (2) years.
The President of the Conference shall preside over the Congress. The presidency of the Conference shall be held alternately every two (2) years by the constitutional courts, members of the Conference, on a rotating basis considering the regional distribution in force of the African Union, after consultation, where appropriate, with the jurisdiction concerned.
The Executive Board
The Executive Board meets once a year in ordinary session upon convocation of its President in the country of the jurisdiction that holds the presidency of the Congress. It may meet in extraordinary session at the request of a majority of its members.
The Executive Board shall consist of a Chairperson, five (5) Vice-Chairpersons read on a rotating basis considering the regional distribution in force at the African Union.
At the end of the work of the sixth (6th) Congress of the CJCA which was held in Rabat - Morocco from November 22 to 24, 2022, the general assembly elected a new Executive Bureau whose mission is to ensure the execution of the biannual program 2022 -2024 adopted by the Congress.
The Constitutional Court of the Kingdom of Morocco, as President
The following constitutional and supreme Courts as members of the Bureau:
1st Vice-President: The Supreme Court of Zimbabwe (Host of the 7th Congress);
Vice-President: The Constitutional Court of DR Congo; (Central Africa)
Vice-President: The Constitutional Council of Djibouti (East Africa)
Vice-President: The Supreme Constitutional Court of Egypt (North Africa);
Vice-President: The Constitutional Court of Gabon (Central Africa)
Vice-President: The Supreme Court of Guinea (West Africa)
Vice-President: The Supreme Court of Libya (North Africa);
Vice-President: The Constitutional Council of Mauritania ((North Africa);
Vice-President: The Constitutional Council of Mozambique (Indian Ocean)
Vice-President: The Constitutional Court of South Africa (Southern Africa)
Ex-officio member: The Constitutional Court of Angola (outgoing President).
Ex-officio member: The Constitutional Council of Algeria (Country of the seat).
The mandate of the Bureau is two years, its renewal will take place on the occasion of the next Congress of the CJCA, scheduled for Victoria Falls (Zimbabwe) in 2024.
The General Secretariat
The General Secretariat shall be the administrative organ of the Conference. It is headed by a Secretary General and a Permanent Secretary General. The Secretary General shall beread by a simple majority of the members of Congress for a term of two (2) years renewable once. It shall beread among the judges or any other person in a court which is a member of the Conference, outside the country of the seat.
The Permanent Secretary General comes from the country of the headquarters and performs his duties on a full-time basis.
The Treasurer is appointed by the jurisdiction of the country of the seat.