Italy: Participation of the CJCA in the 21 Session of the Bureau of the World Conference on Constitutional Justice

The Secretary General of the Conference, Mr. Moussa LARABA, represented the CJCA at the work of the 21 Session of the Bureau of the World Conference on Constitutional Justice, which was held on March 16, 2024 in Venice-Italy.
The members of the WCCJ Bureau held an exchange of views with the members of the Venice Commission on developments related to constitutional justice in their regions/continents, on this occasion, Mr. LARABA made a historical reminder on the creation of the CJCA in 2011 and its development. He also made a brief presentation on the recent and future activities of the CJCA, and informed the Bureau of the latest developments within the CJCA, notably the arrival of Mr. Mohamed Amine Ben Abdellah, President of the Constitutional Court of Kingdom of Morocco, as new president of the CJCA.
On the sidelines of the work, Mr. LARABA met a certain number of officials, with whom he discussed prospects for future cooperation and exchanges.
As a reminder, the CJCA is an ex officio member of the WCCJ Bureau, in respect of the regional groups.