Mozambique: Ms. Lúcia Ribeiro reappointed President of the Constitutional Council

The Mozambican President, Filipe Nyusi, reappointed the Honorable Judge Ms. Lúcia Ribeiro as President of the Constitutional Council (CC), for a second term of five (05) years.

Lúcia Ribeiro has headed the Constitutional Council since 2019, a body she joined upon taking office in 2003 as a Member.

In addition to monitoring constitutionality, the Council also functions as an electoral tribunal, exercising the power to validate and announce election results.

Lúcia da Luz Ribeiro was born in Maputo on 16th of June 1963, she was appointed President of the Constitutional Council in 2019. She has master’s degree in business law from the Polytechnic University of Madrid. Post-Graduate Studies in Business Law at the same University. Law Degree from the Eduardo Mondlane University (1994), PhD in Law from the Faculty of Law of the UEM (2019).
Among the positions held, the following stand out:
Director of the Eduardo Mondlane University Law School (UEM) (2003 -2004).
Legal Advisor to the Minister of Public Works and Housing from 1995 to 2003.
President of the Jurisdictional Council of the Bar Association of Mozambique, (2003).
Lecturer at Universidade Eduardo Mondlane since 1995.
Teacher of Portuguese Language (secondary school) since 1984 – graduated from the Faculty of Education of UEM.
Founding member of the Mozambican Bar Association, Associação Mulher Lei e Desenvolvimento (MULEIDE), Associação Moçambicana das Mulheres de Carreira Jurídica (AMCJ) and Criança Família e Desenvolvimento (CFD).
Associate Researcher at WLSA.
She was a lawyer and legal advisor of several state and private institutions.
The Constitutional Council of Mozambique has been a founding member of the CJCA since May 2011, and as such, it actively participates in the activities of the CJCA.