Libya: Libya provides voluntary financial contribution to CJCA

What is the constitution?

Ethiopia : Working visit of the Secretary General of the CJCA

Angola : Celebration of 50 years of Constitutionalism

DR Congo: The Constitutional Court has two new judges and a new Attorney General

DR Congo: The Constitutional Court has two new judges and a new Attorney General
Egypt: Participation of the CJCA in the 8th High-Level Meeting of African Constitutional and Supreme Courts

Egypt: Participation of the CJCA in the 8th High-Level Meeting of African Constitutional and Supreme Courts
The Conference of Constitutional Jurisdictions of Africa (CJCA) held its 18th Session of the Executive Bureau

The Conference of Constitutional Jurisdictions of Africa (CJCA) held its 18th Session of the Executive Bureau
Senegal: Publication of the winning book of the “CJCA Thesis Prize” competition

Sierra Leone: Appointment of Mr Komba Kamanda as New Chief Justice

Algiers: Visit of the President of the Supreme Court of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania

Algiers: Visit of the President of the Supreme Court of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania
Algeria: Award ceremony for the winner of the "best doctoral thesis" competition

Algeria: Award ceremony for the winner of the "best doctoral thesis" competition
Lesotho: Supreme Court of the Kingdom of Lesotho joins the CJCA

Victoria Falls: new composition of the CJCA Executive Board, 2024-2026

Victoria Falls-Zimbabwe: Signing of a cooperation agreement between CJCA and CJCPLP

Victoria Falls-Zimbabwe: Signing of a cooperation agreement between CJCA and CJCPLP
Victoria Falls: The DR Congo will host the 8th Congress of the CJCA in 2026.

Press release from VICTORIA FALLS

Zimbabwe: Holding of the 7th General Assembly of the CJCA

Central African Republic: Release of the book "Protecting the Constitution whatever the cost"

Central African Republic: Release of the book "Protecting the Constitution whatever the cost"
Press release Relating to the announcement of the winners of the "CJCA Thesis Prize" 2024 competition

Press release Relating to the announcement of the winners
of the "CJCA Thesis Prize" 2024 competition
of the "CJCA Thesis Prize" 2024 competition
South Africa: First female Chief Justice appointed

Maputo: Holding of the 6th General Assembly of the Constitutional Jurisdictions of Lusophone Countries

Maputo: Holding of the 6th General Assembly of the Constitutional Jurisdictions of Lusophone Countries
CJCA: Addition of the Swahili language as a working language of the CJCA

Mozambique: Ms. Lúcia Ribeiro reappointed President of the Constitutional Council

Mozambique: Ms. Lúcia Ribeiro reappointed President of the Constitutional Council
CJCA: Expiration du délai d'envoi des candidatures pour le "Prix de thèse de la CJCA"

CJCA: Expiration du délai d'envoi des candidatures pour le "Prix de thèse de la CJCA"
Russia: Participation of the President of the CCJA in the work of the 12th International Legal Forum

Russia: Participation of the President of the CCJA in the work of the 12th International Legal Forum
Algiers: Visit of a delegation from the Constitutional Court of Indonesia and the Association of Asian Constitutional Courts to the headquarters of the CJCA.

Algiers: Visit of a delegation from the Constitutional Court of Indonesia and the Association of Asian Constitutional Courts to the headquarters of the CJCA.
France: Participation of the CJCA in the 10th Conference of Heads of ACCF institutions

France: Participation of the CJCA in the 10th Conference of Heads of ACCF institutions
Algiers: Visit of the Chief Justice of Libya to the headquarters of the CJCA

Togo: Appointment of a new President of the Constitutional Court

Ghana: CJCA Participation in Forum on Unconstitutional Changes of Government in Africa

Ghana: CJCA Participation in Forum on Unconstitutional Changes of Government in Africa
Ghana: CJCA Participation in Forum on Unconstitutional Changes of Government in Africa

Côte d’Ivoire : décès de Koné Mamadou, ex. président du Conseil du Conseil constitutionnel
Central African Republic: a new Constitutional Council and a new designation of its members

Central African Republic: a new Constitutional Council and a new designation of its members
Italy: Participation of the CJCA in the 21 Session of the Bureau of the World Conference on Constitutional Justice

Italy: Participation of the CJCA in the 21 Session of the Bureau of the World Conference on Constitutional Justice
Addis Ababa: Participation of the CJCA in the 37th African Union Summit

Chad: Jean-Bernard Padaré, elected president of the Constitutional Council

Morocco: Holding of the 16th Session of the Executive Bureau of the CJCA, in Rabat

Morocco: Holding of the 16th Session of the Executive Bureau of the CJCA, in Rabat
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Algeria: Visit of the Presidents of the Supreme and Constitutional Courts, having participated in the “African Judicial Dialogue”, to the headquarters of the CJCA
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Morocco: Appointment of a new President of the Constitutional Court and new members.
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Algeria: Welcome of the President of the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights
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Mozambique: Participation of the CJCA in the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the creation of the Constitutional Council
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Libya: Visit of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Libya to the headquarters of the CCJA
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Gabon: Dieudonné Aba’a Owono new president of the Transitional Constitutional Court
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São Tomé et Príncipe : élection d'un nouveau président du Tribunal constitutionnel
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Iraq: Visit of the President of the Federal Supreme Court to the headquarters of the CJCA
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Brazil: Holding of the Seminar of the Conference of Constitutional Jurisdictions of Portuguese-Speaking Countries
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International Colloquium on Constitutional Justice and Electoral Disputes
Kinshasa from May 18 to 20, 2023
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Libreville-Gabon: Opening of the work of the First Meeting of African Women Judges
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The former President of the Central African Republic Danièle Darlan received the "international prize for women of courage"
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Kinshasa-DR Congo: Holding of the 15th Session of the Executive Bureau of the CJCA
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Egypt : Participation of the CJCA in the 8th High-Level Meeting of African Constitutional and Supreme Courts

The Conference of Constitutional Jurisdictions of Africa (CJCA) held its 18th Session of the Executive Bureau

Senegal: Publication of the winning book of the “CJCA Thesis Prize” competition

Algiers : Visit of the President of the Supreme Court of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania

Russia: Participation of the President of the CCJA in the work of the 12th International Legal Forum
juridictions Members
Select a juridictions or equivalent institution that is a member of the CJCA from the list